Achieving the Unachievable: Securing Utility Patents Against the Odds

Filing a patent is intricate and not always straightforward. Each patent office operates under its own set of criteria and laws. Navigating these regulations can be challenging, especially for inventions in areas such as software, health diagnostics, food, and business methods. Many inventors are cautioned against seeking patents in these fields, several have approached us. With our expertise, we have not only filed utility patents for them but also successfully secured patent grants.
When you think of utility patents, certain categories of inventions might immediately seem “unpatentable”. This is the prevailing thought for areas such as software, business methods, certain mixtures, and methods of medical diagnosis or treatment. While many shy away from attempting to patent in these domains, our journey with numerous inventors has shown that the right approach can lead to a successful patent grant.
Understanding Utility Patent Criteria
One of the fundamental criteria an invention must meet for patentability is that it shouldn’t fall into prohibited categories. Often, when patent firms come across inventions in these domains, they advise their clients to look into alternatives like copyright, trade secrets, or even design registrations. But is a utility patent truly out of reach?
The Grey Area of Non-Obviousness
Another pivotal requirement in patent law is the concept of non-obviousness or the inventive step. It’s subjective, and this subjectivity can be an advantage. What might seem non-inventive to one might seem revolutionary to another, all based on the perception of an “average person” and the way the patent application is articulated.
Innovation: A Journey, Not a Destination
We firmly believe that innovation isn’t a fixed point but a continuous path. If an inventor is passionate and willing to delve deep, we’re right beside them, guiding them towards their patent goal. This involves in-depth analysis of the problem, brainstorming solutions to challenges, and refining the invention till it aligns with patentability standards.
Our Collaborative Approach
By working closely with inventors, asking the pertinent questions, and fostering a collaborative environment, we refine and redefine inventions to meet patentability criteria. Our vast experience across jurisdictions, from the ideation phase to a granted patent, gives us the foresight to anticipate potential objections. This proactive strategy ensures we’re always a step ahead, increasing the chances of a successful patent grant.
Success Stories
A striking example of our success is the case of a startup founder who created a unique beverage, Again Drinks. Many believed food and beverages couldn’t be patented in India, yet we successfully secured three granted patents for Vaitheeswaran K innovative beverages. The beverage is available on Amazon and Big Basket.
Another instance is the common kitchen appliance, the idly tray. While most would have seen it as an ordinary object beyond patenting, we embraced the challenge. The result? A successfully obtained utility patent for something as commonplace as an idly tray. Product designed by Michael Foley and available on
While utility patents for skincare might seem unusual, with expertise and innovation, we defied the odds. We secured a utility patent for a unique coffee-based skincare line crafted by our client, Mita Ponnapa Dive into this groundbreaking skincare range here:
Equally remarkable is our collaboration with Niramai Thermalytix For them, we secured utility patents for an advanced computer-aided diagnostic engine, supercharged by Artificial Intelligence. This pioneering solution combines high-resolution thermal sensing with cloud-hosted analytics to offer early, accurate, and dependable breast cancer screening. Schedule your essential breast screening today at
Navigating the world of patents isn’t always straightforward, but with the right guidance, perseverance, and a collaborative approach, what seems unachievable becomes a gratifying reality. Our mission remains to champion innovators, ensuring their creations receive the recognition and protection they deserve.