• Patent ID:

    US 20190036700

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Blockchain-based secure credential and token management across multiple devices



An embodiment herein provides a processor implemented method for blockchain-based secure credential and token management for open identity management that enables a first device to provision at least one additional device to present tokens issued to the first device, that includes:

 i) creating, using a hardware-based cryptographic processor on a first device associated with an end user, a first set of credentials;

 ii) obtaining and caching at least one attestation token from one or attestation issuing parties, the at least one attestation token is restricted by default to be unusable from any device other than the first device; 

(iii) providing the at least one attestation token to at least one relying party that is interested in receiving attestations about the end user; and 

iv) signing a trust record on the blockchain using the first device associated with the end user.

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