• Patent ID:

    US 9762441

  • Patent Domain:


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Method and system of dynamically designing and operating an optimal communication network configuration

Abstract : 

A method and system of dynamically designing and operating an optimal communication network configuration is provided. The method includes the steps of 


(a) gathering a pre-saved data associated with communication network and/or network devices from a database, or a real-time data associated with at least one of the communication network and the network devices,


(b) generating an optimal network configuration by selecting a first and a second network optimization parameters based on gathered data, designing an optimal network configuration to optimize the first network optimization parameter with respect to the second network optimization parameter based on gathered data, and generating network implementation instructions for implementing the designed optimal network configuration, and


(c) adapting at least one network device to operate in compliance with the designed optimal network configuration based on the generated instructions by transmitting the instructions to the network devices and by executing the instructions at the network devices.

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